Folks, loyal readers, here is a guest post blog from an esteemed, experienced trial lawyer in Los Angeles. Cortney Shegerian practices employment law in Los Angeles, California at her firm, Shegerian and Associates. She has mediated over 100 cases. Let’s hear what she has to say:
Sexual and non-sexual harassment is currently the number one reason why employees file complaints against their employers with the EEOC, and a new report may have discovered why these complaints are filed so frequently.
Harassment can happen to anyone, but the EEOC did identify a number of factors that could put employees more at risk of being a victim to harassment. These risk factors include:
• Workers who do not conform to workplace norms
• Cultural or language barriers
• External events that could impact employees’ prejudice (for example, terrorist attacks could cause some people to harass Middle Eastern employees)
• A workplace full of young workers
• Workplaces with significant power disparities
• Employees who receive tips or work in customer service
• Employees who do low-intensity tasks
• Isolated workspaces
• A culture that encourages alcohol consumptionThe report also found that simply having a harassment policy in place is not enough to prevent it from occurring. In fact, many employees do not file complaints because they fear retaliation from their employers. According to the report, three out of four employees who are harassed because of their sex, race, religion or disability do not report it because they fear they will be blamed, called a liar or punished.
How can employers put an end to harassment? It is the employer’s responsibility to create an open and honest culture within the workplace where employees are encouraged to do the right thing and speak up when they are being harassed. Company culture is built at the top and makes its away down through the organization. Senior level executives and upper level management need to be responsible for setting the tone in the workplace.
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